Monday, October 1, 2007

Get that Monkey Off my Back!

Please meet the monkey, Grace's newest friend. Well, actually he was purchased at the Cleveland Zoo during our visit last month. The plan was to keep him in Cleveland for future stays. However, my mom brought him to her last week, so began her love affair. She carries this monkey around the house and even around her neck - this from a girl who won't keep a hat or hair bow on without ripping it off. She wears the monkey either her back or carrying him with his neck under her armpit. It is pretty darn cute!

I was trying to feed Grace her breakfast and I had to alternate bites of her oatmeal between her and this freakin' monkey. She even wanted me to carry the monkey around my neck - trust me it looks a lot cuter on her. She even put the monkey in her dolly stroller and walked him around the living room. It cracks me up the way she will entertain herself and her family for that matter.

I currently have my own monkey on back - my own personal dilemma - what should Grace be for Halloween?? I know this is not a huge problem, please sense my sarcasm here but is a hard decision for me at the moment. I go back and forth between - a cute animal that she would recognize - you know monkey, cow, duck, pig ( my personal favorite) or something more girlish like a butterfly, lady bug, princess, etc. So, I ask my faithful readers (if I have any?!?!), please cast your vote and help me in this decision! I have narrowed down a few ideas...please cast your vote! Also, note that with each idea I would make it really cute...not that you would think differently! Thanks.


Anonymous said...

My vote is bumble bee. Maybe mom has the costume i used to run around the neighborhood in.
Love Aunt T

rsavage said...

I second the bubble bee or a pig!
I love that mom brought her back the monkey.
Aunt Becca