Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dancing Queen!

Before I get to business with my next entry, I am happy to say that Grace did her business yesterday without the help of a suppository. Hallelujah! We were both thrilled. Just wanted to give you an update, in case you were worried!

Grace loves to dance. When she hears music she always sways her little hips and shakes her booty. In fact, she can be prompted to dance just by us singing, "Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake...shake your booty, shake your booty." She does it on demand. It is pretty funny. Her moves are like an old man at a wedding - a little awkward! At our music class this week, she broke into the most odd moves I have ever seen - a little bit of hip shaking with one arm scrunched up by her side, it made the room laugh and made me think the unfortunate - she has her dads dance moves. Sad but true. I need to get the video camera rolling to capture more of these awkward but adorable moments. It was actually this footage that inspired me - this is probably one of the funnier things I have seen on Youtube.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just be sure to teach her to high kick like her mom! She'll be all set!
