Monday, November 5, 2007

Babies, Babies and More Babies!

This has been the week of new babies or at least in my world. I know of 4 babies that were born in just the last week that are either family, friends or acquaintances. That doesn't include the 8 other babies I know that are coming before March! Babies are so in!

Well, all these babies made me think about being pregnant and having baby #2. After Grace was born, I was SO thrilled and immediately in love with her but I was also certain that I did not want to be pregnant again for a LONG time! I didn't mind the child birth part (even though it included 3 hours of pushing and 14 hours of labor) and I didn't mind the first 7 months of pregnancy but the last 2 months and 9 days - as I was 9 days late with Miss Grace - were pretty tough. One I was huge - big baby and swollen like a watermelon! No ankles and sausage fingers for two whole months! Partly, due to the hot summer we had and my propensity to swelling anyways! And that she was so low for so long and it hurt to even walk plus the sciatic nerve pain and heart burn. Needless to say, I was so uncomfortable. It was a long pregnancy.....

BUT SOOOO worth it.....

Well, after seeing pictures of these new bambinos - so tiny, so precious, so small compared to my ever growing, maturing Grace. It made me realize that I don't want her to grow up so fast and that time is actually did she become 15 months?? It also made me contemplate when do we have #2. Although, I do want more children, no doubt, it does make me think about sharing my love. I know it is normal, but it is hard to imagine loving another baby as much as I love my darling, Grace. Will it rock her world that she won't be our only pride and joy? How does it work?? Obviously, I know it does and the greatest gift I could give her would be siblings.

These are my deep thoughts for today. Now I am going to go get my little Grace from her nap and enjoy our time before my other big kid gets home from work.

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