Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

A Belated Merry Christmas - the holidays got the best of me and now we are about to ring in the New Year! Tis the season. It was a great Christmas. Grace enjoyed the many beautiful gifts she received, however my house is officially consumed by toys. Oh well, she's happy!

I can't believe another year has come and gone and that it is the eve of 2008. Really, where has the time gone?!?! 2007 was a good year. I am thankful for my wonderful family, good health for all my loved ones and great friends. I hope 2008 is just as blessed.

I have never been one to set resolutions for the New Year. However, I do take the out look that with a new year comes a new time to improve myself, especially as I approach my birthday and become a year older. It might be the fact that I have a January birthday, therefore my age always becomes an issue to me this time of year. Last year, I was approaching a big bday with leaving my 20's behind me - I can't even tell how quick that decade came and went. This year is a pretty uneventful birthday. I even think I like the sound of 31 vs. 30. But is a big year for many of my loved one's - there big 3-0's, my sister's wedding and another blessed year of watching Grace grow and mature into a little girl!

This year I will set a resolution. I will make myself commit. In 2008 my resolution will be to take the time to breath and enjoy life - cherish and enjoy my family and friends that I am so grateful to have in my life. To focus on what I have rather than what I do not have. To enjoy where I am at vs always looking to the future at where I will be. Given my personality, I am sure at times this will be a challenge but I think it will make 2008 a great one!

Cheers to a New Year! Health and Happiness to all.

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