Monday, December 10, 2007

The Girl has got Soul (ja)!!

I think I have mentioned in the past that Grace has a true love for music. She adores "The Wiggles", loves when Elmo sings and her favorite CD is Fisher Price's, Songs and Games for the Road. As I previously stated, it is music that can calm Grace when she is having a moment. It puts her in an almost catatonic state. It is pretty funny to me. Well, we can add a new favorite to Grace's list, Soulja Boy - you know - "Crank that Soulja Boy, Watch Me Crank It
Watch Me Roll , Watch Me Crank Dat Soulja Boy!". Hilarious. By the way, I thought it was Soldier Boy until I googled it. That was a mom moment...I am getting old.

Anyway, today we were running a million errands and Grace became very antsy in the car - almost crazy! Well, I couldn't listen to one more children's song so I just blasted Soulja Boy to tune out the whining. To my surprise, she sat back and enjoyed the song, even danced a bit in her seat. Maybe it was the base or maybe she just gave up?!? Not sure. All I know is she loved it! She even "mored me" in sign language because she wanted to hear it again when the song was over. Maybe Santa will get her the CD to add to her collection or maybe not. Oh, my little rock star.....

At first I thought she was a bit young to appreciate this song, however these kids aren't too far behind. Also, note what a great dancer that little boy!

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