Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Slacker Mom??

All fellow moms out there, I am sure we have each asked ourselves this question at some point, "Am I a slacker mom? or Am I being a bad mom?" I know I have and I only have Grace and she is just 14 months. It comes up when I turn on PBS or NOG to just get a few minutes of down time. Or when I use her nap time to read or surf the web, when I should be cleaning the bathrooms. Or maybe when I put Grace in her highchair with a tray full of goldfish while I try to fix dinner. Am I being slacker or am I just coping? I can only imagine what my guilt will lead me to believe when I have more than one adorable child....

Is the mom that puts on Clifford and just wants to 20 minutes to read a magazine a slacker mom? I know the answer is no - we can only read so many" Ruff, Ruff, Where is Scruff?" or sing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" before we are committed. I don't think there is a slacker mom out there other than the abusive, druggie types, but again I don't think the question was meant for them since the answer is obvious. This question was a headline in my iGoogle this morning - if the questions wasn't silly enough, check this quiz...

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