Monday, September 24, 2007

Good Morning!

This weekend was a busy one and I am tired this Monday morning. My dear husband leaves early for work, so his not so quiet morning routine usually gets me out of bed before 7am. Especially, when my guilt as a stay at home mom (aka - housewife) pulls me out of the comforts of my cozy cocoon to make his lunch and see him off. I know, I am great wife! I am lucky that Grace is a sleeper and normally doesn't rise before 8am and many times isn't up before 9am! We are talking 12 -14 hours of sleep. I am blessed. This morning I have been listening to her adorable babble for the last 20 minutes, she is up earlier than usual - 7:15ish. I feel compelled to run in there and see my precious darling who is so fun and happy first thing in the morning. But I use this time to quickly shower and get dressed, otherwise it gets harder to do as the morning goes on. I love this part of the day even when I am tired. I look forward to seeing Grace smile and hug me and we enjoy our morning milk and coffee. She never really cries in the morning when she wakes up and she could sit and entertain herself in the crib for 30-40 minutes. I let her have this time as I think it is good for her.

Well, I am going to go and start my day with little Grace. I hope today is good day for all!

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